Multi-label Classification of Aircraft Heading Changes using Neural Network to Resolve Conflicts
An aircraft conflict occurs when two or more aircraft cross at a certain distance at the same time. Aircraft heading changes are the common resolution at the en-route level (high altitude). One or more alternative heading changes are possible to resolve a single conflict. We consider this problem as a multi-label classification problem. We developed a multi-label classification model which provides multiple heading advisories for a given conflict. This model we named CRMLnet is based on the use of a multi-layer neural network that classifies all possible heading resolution in a multi-label classification manner. When compared to other machine learning models that use multiple single-label classifiers such as SVM, K-nearest, and LR, our CRMLnet achieves the best results with an accuracy of 98.72% and ROC of 0.999. The simulated data set which consists of conflict trajectories and heading resolutions we have developed and used in our experiments is delivered to the research community o n demand. It is freely accessible online at: