On Commutative Gelfand Rings
By studying and using the quasi-pure part concept, we improve some statements and show that some assumptions in some articles
are superfluous. We give some characterizations of Gelfand rings. For example: we prove that R is Gelfand if and only if m
(∑ α∈A Iα) =∑α∈A m(Iα), for each family {Iα}α∈A of ideals of R, in addition if R is semiprimitive and Max(R) ⊆ Y ⊆ Spec(R), we show that R
is a Gelfand ring if and only if Y is normal. We prove that if R is reduced ring, then R is a von Neumann regular ring if and only if
Spec(R) is regular. It has been shown that if R is a Gelfand ring, then Max(R) is a quotient of Spec(R), and sometimes hM(a)’s behave
like the zerosets of the space of maximal ideal. Finally, it has been proven that Z(Max(C(X)))= {hM(f) : f ∈ C(X)} if and only if {hM(f) : f ∈ C(X)} is closed under countable intersection if and only if X is pseudocompact.
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