AltaRica 3.0 modeling pattern for production systems availability assessment
The design and assessment of production models is often delicate because the production of a unit may depend notonly on its internal state but also on flows circulating downstream and upstream the production line.In this article, we present a modeling pattern to address this issue. It consists in using controllers working on threeflows: a diagnosis flow moving forward from source units to a controller, a command flow moving backward froma controller to source units, and finally a production flow moving forward from source units to target units. Theproduction depends on the command, which depends itself on the diagnosis. We present the implementation of thisnew modeling pattern using AltaRica 3.0 - a high level formal modeling language dedicated to risk and performancesassessment.We demonstrate, by means of an example of a production system, the ability of this pattern to represent such asystem. Finally, we show how to evaluate the system availability over a given period of time using the assessmenttools available for AltaRica 3.0, e.g. the stochastic simulator.