Preprints, Working Papers, ... Year : 2022

3D Image super-resolution by fluorophore fluctuations and ma-tirf microscopy reconstruction (3D-col0rme)

Vasiliki Stergiopoulou
Luca Calatroni
Laure Blanc-Féraud


We propose a 3D super-resolution approach to improve both lateral and axial spatial resolution in Total Internal Reflectance Fluorescence (TIRF) imaging applications. Our approach, called 3D-COL0RME (3D-Covariance-based ℓ 0 super-Resolution Microscopy with intensity Estimation) improves both lateral and axial resolution by combining sparsity-based modelling for precise molecule localisation and intensity estimation in the lateral plane with a 3D reconstruction procedure in the axial one using Multi-Angle TIRF (MA-TIRF). Differently from state-of-the-art approaches, 3D-COL0RME does not require the use of special equipment as it can be used with standard fluorophores. We validate 3D-COL0RME on simulated MA-TIRF blinking-type data and on challenging real MA-TIRF acquisitions, showing significant resolution improvements.
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Dates and versions

hal-03412778 , version 1 (03-11-2021)
hal-03412778 , version 2 (31-03-2022)
hal-03412778 , version 3 (04-07-2022)
hal-03412778 , version 4 (11-07-2022)


  • HAL Id : hal-03412778 , version 2


Vasiliki Stergiopoulou, Luca Calatroni, Sébastien Schaub, Laure Blanc-Féraud. 3D Image super-resolution by fluorophore fluctuations and ma-tirf microscopy reconstruction (3D-col0rme). 2022. ⟨hal-03412778v2⟩
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