The Brain Connectome after Gamma Knife Radiosurgery of the Ventro-Intermediate Nucleus for Tremor: Marseille-Lausanne Radiobiology Study Protocol
Essential tremor (ET) is the most common movement disorder. Deep brain stimulation is the current gold standard for drug-resistant tremor, followed by radiofrequency lesioning. Stereotactic radiosurgery by Gamma Knife (GK) is considered as a minimally invasive alternative. The majority of procedures aim at the same target, thalamic ventro-intermediate nucleus (Vim). The primary aim is to assess the clinical response in relationship to neuroimaging changes, both at structural and functional level. All GK treatments are uniformly performed in our center using Guiot’s targeting and a radiation dose of 130 Gy. MR neuroimaging protocol includes structural imaging (T1-weighted and diffusion-weighted imaging [DWI]), resting-state functional MRI, and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography. Neuroimaging changes are studied both at the level of the cerebello-thalamo-cortical tract (using the prior hypothesis based upon Vim’s circuitry: motor cortex, ipsilateral Vim, and contralateral cerebellar dentate nucleus) and also at global brain level (no prior hypothesis). This protocol aims at using modern neuroimaging techniques for studying Vim GK radiobiology for tremor, in relationship to clinical effects, particularly in ET patients. In perspective, using such an approach, patient selection could be based upon a specific brain connectome profile.