A new approach to describe high-pressure adsorption isotherms in subcritical and supercritical conditions
In this article, we present a new approach to describe adsorption equilibrium of
pure gases in a wide range of pressure. This approach is based on a simple statistical
mechanics treatment combining the potential theory and lattice fluid models. The
obtained equation for the calculation of the excess adsorption can predict the curve
progression of isotherms defined by the IUPAC I classification, and for those at super-
critical conditions. Notwithstanding that the basic idea of the developed equation is to
adapt to the adsorption equilibrium in supercritical conditions at high pressure, the
model correlates very well experimental data at low pressure in subcritical conditions.
It is applicable to a wide range of pressures and fits satisfactorily the experimental
data in a broad range of pressures and temperatures. In particular, the model predicts
the maximum of excess adsorption and its minimum. A comparison between this
approach and two others is given.