Cross-layer Approach to Assess FMEA on Critical Systems and Evaluate High-Level Model Realism
Embedded systems in critical applications are constrained by very strict standards. The safety of such systems is crucial, however, their safety analysis (e.g., Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, or FMEA) is often empirical and mainly relies on the experience of engineers. Performing empirical analyses on complex designs is a major challenge that leads engineers to make very pessimistic assumptions and consequently to over-design multiple countermeasures. Many fault injection techniques have been developed to evaluate the robustness of hardware designs from Register Transfer Level to Transaction Level. At the RT-level, these techniques are circuit-centered, and therefore do not rely on the overall system specifications. Besides, with complex hardware designs, fault simulations become very time-consuming. Conversely, at the transaction level, fault simulation is fast to the detriment of the realism of high-level models. In this paper, we present a new iterative cross-layer robustness analysis flow taking into account the overall critical system specifications and verifying the realism of high-level models. The first step of the flow leads to extract critical parameter ranges. Then, these ranges are used to quickly evaluate the robustness of each RTL block in the circuit. In the last step, we compute some metrics reflecting the realism of the high-level models. According to these metrics, we can determine if the high-level models must be improved. We apply this methodology to a case study of a real airborne system.