Maternal age alters gene expression in blastocyst trophoblast and term placenta as well as term placental structure
Possibly contribute to the lower fertility in older mares Gene expression & histology of placentas are affected by maternal age but no gross morphology Possibly affects fetomaternal communication/exchanges Perturbations in gene expression in placentas are already present in the embryo trophoblast RNAseq differential analysis: DESeq2 package on R software with size and sex as cofactors for embryos; gestation length, foal sex and placental weight as cofactors for placentas; padj<0.05 for significance Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA): Broad Institute software using the KEGG and GO biological process (BP) databases → Redundancy was reduced using SUMER analysis FDR<0.05 for significance; In analyses, "young" is the reference group Stereological analysis: Microcotyledonary and allantoid relative surface and volume quantification by One Stop Stereology using Mercator® software (ExploraNova) Statistics: linear model with permutations with R software, including gestation length, mare weight and foal sex
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