Evaluating Emerging Technologies: Uncertainty and Responsibility in Regulatory Science
A number of scientific disciplines dedicate to the testing and characterization of properties of existing or emerging technologies. The label that is sometimes used to refer to these particular sciences - regulatory science - conveys a deceptive sense of objectivity and accuracy: all technologies have uncertain and unpredictable effects, that only materialize over time and at a larger use scale. Testing, simulating these effects ex-ante is by definition a limited knowledge effort. The current talk about industry capture and conflicts of interest in science reflect a growing opinion that scientists involved in the evaluation of technologies neglect this structural uncertainty, and fail to assume their societal responsibility to characterize the benefits and risks of technologies transparently and in the public interest. In this talk, I will present ongoing research about the norms, networks and power of regulatory toxicologists, in an attempt to elucidate the problem of regulatory capture.