Stringy Newton gravity with H -flux
A symmetry principle has been shown to augment unambiguously the Einstein field equations, promoting the whole closed-string massless NS-NS sector to stringy graviton fields. Here we consider its weak field approximation, take a nonrelativistic limit, and derive the stringy augmentation of Newton gravity: ∇2Φ=4πGρ+H⋅H, ∇⋅H=0, ∇×H=4πGK. Not only the mass density ρ but also the current density K is intrinsic to matter. Sourcing H which is of NS-NS H-flux origin, K is nontrivial if the matter is “stringy.” H contributes quadratically to the Newton potential, but otherwise is decoupled from the point particle dynamics, i.e., ¨x=−∇Φ. We define “stringization” analogous to magnetization and discuss regular as well as monopolelike singular solutions.