Factors Affecting Success in a Digital Simulation Game for Nurse Training
Serious games have been developed in recent years as an essential tool for the improvement of students’ decision-making skills and performance. They evolved in various domains, especially in the healthcare field. Healthcare professional experts and trainers indicate the importance of designing educational environments and educational programs in order to reproduce with high fidelity the professional context. Therefore, data gained through gaming is explored and exploited to extract information about the learning strategies. In this work, we explore data that was collected during courses in which students used a simulation game called CLONE (Clinical Organizer Nurse Education). This serious game has been designed to train nursing students in work organizations. With the implementation of statistical approaches, we intended to study factors that impact on the success of the game. Considering game sessions from 3 different angles, we try to answer the following questions: 1) Does the duration of the game session has an impact on gaming outcomes? 2) Which errors do students commit during the game? 3) Do students achieve learning progress by repeating the game? Eventually, we discussed obtained results and future work.