Journal Articles Nanoscale Year : 2021

Four orders-of-magnitude enhancement in the two-photon excited photoluminescence of homoleptic gold thiolate nanoclusters following zinc ion-induced aggregation

Augmentation de quatre ordres de grandeur de la photoluminescence excitée à deux photons de nanoclusters de thiolate d'or homoleptiques à la suite d'une agrégation induite par des ions de zinc.


Herein we report unprecedented determination of the molar mass of zinc mediated assemblies of homoleptic gold nanoclusters, based on charge detection mass spectrometry measurements. The accurate determination of the molar mass of zinc coordinated assemblies of gold clusters has further allowed unambiguous determination of the two-photon excited photoluminescence cross section of the same. Furthermore, in line with one-photon excited photoluminescence measurements, four orders-of-magnitude enhancement in two-photon excited photoluminescence of gold nanoclusters has been observed following complexation with zinc ions. The study reported herein is envisioned to not only deepen the fundamental understanding of the multiphoton excitation properties of atomic clusters but also widen their application potential as luminescence markers.
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hal-03198771 , version 1 (15-04-2021)



Srestha Basu, Hussein Fakhouri, Christophe Moulin, Santanu Dolai, Isabelle Russier-Antoine, et al.. Four orders-of-magnitude enhancement in the two-photon excited photoluminescence of homoleptic gold thiolate nanoclusters following zinc ion-induced aggregation. Nanoscale, 2021, 13 (8), pp.4439-4443. ⟨10.1039/d0nr08764e⟩. ⟨hal-03198771⟩
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