La résistivité électrique comme outil pour la reconnaissance d'une friche industrielle
The industrial waste land in Montagne-du-Nord (France) has been occupied by a zinc and a lead smelter unit linked to sulphuric acid production. Then this factory has been razed and covered by coarse waste deposits below sandy fillings. Hydrological and geochemical studies have been systematically carried out by drillings and pits following a mesh of 50m x 50m. This waste land constitutes an area where the metallic contamination is important. The physical property of subsoil materials, sensitive to this contamination, is the electrical resistivity; it depends on water mineralization and quantity presented in all formations. Geophysical data allow to locate precisely mineralized soil and water with higher spatial resolution. A complete geophysical study, using methods based on electrical resistivity (slingram electromagnetic mapping, 2D and 3D electrical imaging, and electrostatic logging) has been carried out. The slingram mapping allows to determine conductive anomalies coincident with chemical anomalies obtained into the piezometers, and to locate the water seepage toward the river drain. The electrical imaging allows to indicate precisely the location of clayey alluvial deposits, and to describe the superficial seepage areas. The electrostatic logging gives an accurate description of the not saturated area in boreholes, near anomalies located with the two other methods. Those geophysical methodologies allow to obtain a 3D view of the site.
Le site de la friche industrielle de Montagne-du-Nord (France) a abrite des activités de métallurgie de zinc et de plomb et de fabrication d'acide sulfurique. Des études hydrologiques et géochimiques y ont été menées dans des fosses et des forages après que le site ait été rasé et recouvert par des remblais. Les données géophysiques (cartographie électromagnétique slingram, panneau électrique 2D et 3D, et diagraphie électrostatique) permettent de localiser les sols et les eaux minéralisés, de positionner les interfaces entre couches, d'identifier les lieux de sortie de l'eau vers les drains fluviaux et de caractériser la zone non-saturée, avec une bonne résolution spatiale.
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