Demo: a CSI-ratio model based house-level respiration monitoring system using COTS WiFi devices
The past few years have witnessed the great potential of exploiting channel state information (CSI) retrieved from COTS WiFi devices for respiration monitoring. However, existing approaches only work when the target is close to the WiFi transceivers and the performance degrades significantly when the target is far away. This sensing range constraint greatly limits the application of the proposed approaches in real life. Different from the existing approaches that apply the raw CSI readings of individual antenna for sensing, we employ the ratio of CSI readings from two antennas, whose noise is mostly canceled out by the division operation to significantly increase the sensing range. 1 In this demo, we will demonstrate FarSense-a CSI-ratio model based houselevel real-time respiration monitoring system using COTS WiFi devices. 1 Here, we define the sensing range as the maximal distance between a target and a transceiver pair at where the respiration detection rate is higher than 95% as [16] did. And the distance is defined as the average distance from the target to the transmitter and the receiver.