Heterogeneities in the Microstructure and Composition of Aircraft Engine Combustor Soot: Impact on the Water Uptake
Size, morphology, microstructure, chemical composition and hygroscopic properties of aircraft engine combustor (AEC) soot particles are studied by using a combination of several methods, namely atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, gravimetry, ionic chromatography analysis and wetting observations. From the microstructure and the composition of soot agglomerates, we find that we can separate AEC soot in two fractions having quite different physico-chemical properties: a main fraction of particles containing essentially amorphous carbon with small amounts of oxygen, sulfur and iron and a fraction of impurities characterized by various structures and a large amount of impurities. These properties of aircraft engine combustor soot are compared to those of soot obtained by burning TC1 aviation kerosene in a laboratory burner. It is shown that TC1 soot can be a good surrogate of the AEC main fraction. Such a finding allows us to perform water uptake measurements and to conclude that the AEC main fraction is rather hydrophobic whereas the AEC fraction of impurities is highly hydrophilic The ability of the two fractions of aircraft engine combustor soot to act as cloud condensation nuclei is discussed with respect to their implication in contrail and cirrus formation.