Solving Aircraft Conflicts: data resources
In the domain of air traffic, two planes are considered as in a conflict situation when their trajectoriescross each other in certain circumstances of distance at the same time. Air Traffic Management(ATM) has adopted some rules to avoid such conflicts but the increasing density of aircraft flightsmakes conflict situations more and more difficult to anticipate and solve in an optimal way. Decisionsto solve conflicts are made manually in real-time and consist of changing aircraft trajectories tomaintain a safe distance between planes. When a conflict is identified, the Air Traffic Controller(ATCO) has to make a quick decision about the best possible solution using his/her knowledge andexperience. ATCOs have to take into account all the aircraft flight parameters such as its speed,positioning coordinate, destination, flight plan, as well as its environment, for example, weather,wind direction, military zone, etc. and the other flights. The air traffic growth is so that the ATCOs willnot be able to face conflict solving in the future if they are not assisted effectively. Moreconsideration should thus be given to (a) identifying conflict situations (b) assist ATCOs in conflictsolving. Many organizations keep data that could serve these challenges but data from similators canalso be used.In this communication, we will present the context of aircraft conflicts. We will detail the datasources that are available and that could be used for conflict detection and automated conflictsolving. Moreover, we will present the data collection we built as a new resource for simulated datathat we intend to deliver to the scientific community as a shared data source.