Why paramagnetic chiral correlations in the long wavelength limit do not contribute to muon-spin relaxation
A crystal structure that cannot be superposed on its mirror image by any combination of rotations and translations is classified as chiral. Such crystal structures have gained importance in recent years since they are prone to host unconventional magnetic orders and to exhibit topological magnetic textures. These properties result from the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya antisymmetric exchange interaction which is authorized when space inversion is broken. While recent reports have shown the muon spin rotation and relaxation technique to provide unique information about structural and dynamical properties which are specific to chiral magnets in their ordered phase, the question here is whether this technique is sensitive to paramagnetic chiral correlations that are observed in neutron scattering experiments above the critical temperature. In the relevant long-wavelength limit, it is shown that they do not contribute to the relaxation rate, which in turn only probes nonchiral correlations.