Journal Articles Pure and Applied Geophysics Year : 2020

Optimization of a simulation code coupling extended source (k$^{−2}$) and empirical green’s functions: Application to the case of the middle durance fault


We developed a ground-motion simulation code base on extended rupture modeling combined with the use of empirical Green’s functions (EGFs), adapted for low-to-moderate seismicity regions (with a limited set of EGFs), and extended its range of applicability to the lowest source-to-site distances. This code is based on a kinematic source description of an extended fault and is designed to allow complex fault geometries and to generate a ground motion variability in agreement with that of the recorded databases. The code is developed to work with a sparse set of EGFs. Each available EGF is therefore used in several positions on the rupture area. To be used in positions different of their original position, we applied to the EGFs some adjustments. In addition to the classical adjustments (i.e. time delay correction, geometrical spreading correction and anelastic attenuation correction), we propose here a radiation pattern adjustment. The effectiveness of it is tested in a numerical application. We showed noticeable improvements at the lowest distances, and some limitations when approaching the nodal planes of the subevents the recording of which were used as EGFs. We took advantage of the development of this code, its ability to work with a sparse set of EGFs, its ability to take into account complex fault geometries and its ability to master the general variability, to perform a groundmotion simulation scenario on the Middle Durance Fault (MDF). We perform simulations for a hard rock site (V$_{S30}$ = 1800 m/s) and a sediment site (V$_{S30}$ = 440 m/s) of the CEA Nuclear Research Site of Cadarache (France), and compared the computed ground motion with several ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs). The GMPEs slightly underestimate the sediment site but strongly overestimate the ground motion amplitude on the hard rock site, even when using a specific correction factor which adapts GMPEs predictions from rock site to hard rock site. This general ascertainment confirms the need to continue efforts towards the establishment of consistent GMPEs applicable to hard-rock conditions.
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hal-02877411 , version 1 (28-08-2021)




Alain Dujardin, Fabrice Hollender, Mathieu Causse, Catherine Berge-Thierry, Bertrand Delouis, et al.. Optimization of a simulation code coupling extended source (k$^{−2}$) and empirical green’s functions: Application to the case of the middle durance fault. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2020, 177 (5), pp.2255-2279. ⟨10.1007/s00024-019-02309-x⟩. ⟨hal-02877411⟩
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