A MHz-repetition-rate hard X-ray free-electron laser driven by a superconducting linear accelerator - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder directement au contenu
Article Dans Une Revue Nature Photon. Année : 2020

A MHz-repetition-rate hard X-ray free-electron laser driven by a superconducting linear accelerator

W. Decking , S. Abeghyan , P. Abramian , A. Abramsky , A. Aguirre , C. Albrecht , P. Alou , M. Altarelli , P. Altmann , K. Amyan , V. Anashin , E. Apostolov , K. Appel , D. Auguste (1) , V. Ayvazyan , S. Baark , F. Babies , N. Baboi , P. Bak , V. Balandin , R. Baldinger , B. Baranasic , S. Barbanotti , O. Belikov , V. Belokurov , L. Belova , V. Belyakov , S. Berry (2) , M. Bertucci , B. Beutner , A. Block , M. Blöcher , T. Böckmann , C. Bohm , M. Böhnert , V. Bondar , E. Bondarchuk , M. Bonezzi , P. Borowiec , C. Bösch , U. Bösenberg , A. Bosotti , R. Böspflug , M. Bousonville , E. Boyd , Y. Bozhko , A. Brand , J. Branlard , S. Briechle , F. Brinker , S. Brinker , R. Brinkmann , S. Brockhauser , O. Brovko , H. Brück , A. Brüdgam , L. Butkowski , T. Büttner , J. Calero , E. Castro-Carballo , G. Cattalanotto , J. Charrier (2) , J. Chen , A. Cherepenko , V. Cheskidov , M. Chiodini , A. Chong , S. Choroba , M. Chorowski , D. Churanov , W. Cichalewski , M. Clausen , W. Clement , C. Cloué (2) , J.A. Cobos , N. Coppola , S. Cunis , K. Czuba , M. Czwalinna , B. d'Almagne (1) , J. Dammann , H. Danared , A. de Zubiaurre Wagner , A. Delfs , T. Delfs , F. Dietrich , T. Dietrich , M. Dohlus , M. Dommach , A. Donat , X. Dong , N. Doynikov , M. Dressel , M. Duda , P. Duda , H. Eckoldt , W. Ehsan , J. Eidam , F. Eints , C. Engling , U. Englisch , A. Ermakov , K. Escherich , J. Eschke , E. Saldin , M. Faesing , A. Fallou (1) , M. Felber , M. Fenner , B. Fernandes , J.M. Fernández , S. Feuker , K. Filippakopoulos , K. Floettmann , V. Fogel , M. Fontaine (2) , A. Francés , I. Freijo Martin , W. Freund , T. Freyermuth , M. Friedland , L. Fröhlich , M. Fusetti , J. Fydrych , A. Gallas (1) , O. García , L. Garcia-Tabares , G. Geloni , N. Gerasimova , C. Gerth , P. Gessler , V. Gharibyan , M. Gloor , J. Głowinkowski , A. Goessel , Z. Gołębiewski , N. Golubeva , W. Grabowski , W. Graeff , A. Grebentsov , M. Grecki , T. Grevsmuehl , M. Gross , U. Grosse-Wortmann , J. Grünert , S. Grunewald , P. Grzegory , G. Feng , H. Guler (1) , G. Gusev , J.L. Gutierrez , L. Hagge , M. Hamberg , R. Hanneken , E. Harms , I. Hartl , A. Hauberg , S. Hauf , J. Hauschildt , J. Hauser , J. Havlicek , A. Hedqvist , N. Heidbrook , F. Hellberg , D. Henning , O. Hensler , T. Hermann , A. Hidvégi , M. Hierholzer , H. Hintz , F. Hoffmann , Markus Hoffmann , Matthias Hoffmann , Y. Holler , M. Hüning , A. Ignatenko , M. Ilchen , A. Iluk , J. Iversen , M. Izquierdo , L. Jachmann , N. Jardon , U. Jastrow , K. Jensch , J. Jensen , M. Jeżabek , M. Jidda , H. Jin , N. Johannson , R. Jonas , W. Kaabi (1) , D. Kaefer , R. Kammering , H. Kapitza , S. Karabekyan , S. Karstensen , K. Kasprzak , V. Katalev , D. Keese , B. Keil , M. Kholopov , M. Killenberger , B. Kitaev , Y. Klimchenko , R. Klos , L. Knebel , A. Koch , M. Koepke , S. Köhler , W. Köhler , N. Kohlstrunk , Z. Konopkova , A. Konstantinov , W. Kook , W. Koprek , M. Körfer , O. Korth , A. Kosarev , K. Kosiński , D. Kostin , Y. Kot , A. Kotarba , T. Kozak , V. Kozak , R. Kramert , M. Krasilnikov , A. Krasnov , B. Krause , L. Kravchuk , O. Krebs , R. Kretschmer , J. Kreutzkamp , O. Kröplin , K. Krzysik , G. Kube , H. Kuehn , N. Kujala , V. Kulikov , V. Kuzminych , D. La Civita , M. Lacroix (1) , T. Lamb , A. Lancetov , M. Larsson , D. Le Pinvidic (1) , S. Lederer , T. Lensch , D. Lenz , A. Leuschner , F. Levenhagen , Y. Li , J. Liebing , L. Lilje , T. Limberg , D. Lipka , B. List , J. Liu , S. Liu , B. Lorbeer , J. Lorkiewicz , H.H. Lu , F. Ludwig , K. Machau , W. Maciocha , C. Madec (2) , C. Magueur (1) , C. Maiano , I. Maksimova , K. Malcher , T. Maltezopoulos , E. Mamoshkina , B. Manschwetus , F. Marcellini , G. Marinkovic , T. Martinez , H. Martirosyan , W. Maschmann , M. Maslov , A. Matheisen , U. Mavric , J. Meissner , K. Meissner , M. Messerschmidt , N. Meyners , G. Michalski , P. Michelato , N. Mildner , M. Moe , F. Moglia , C. Mohr , S. Mohr , W. Möller , M. Mommerz , L. Monaco , C. Montiel , M. Moretti , I. Morozov , P. Morozov , D. Mross , J. Mueller , C. Müller , J. Müller , K. Müller , J. Munilla , A. Münnich , V. Muratov , O. Napoly (2) , B. Näser , N. Nefedov , Reinhard Neumann , Rudolf Neumann , N. Ngada , D. Noelle , F. Obier , I. Okunev , J.A. Oliver , M. Omet , A. Oppelt , A. Ottmar , M. Oublaid (1) , C. Pagani , R. Paparella , V. Paramonov , C. Peitzmann , J. Penning , A. Perus (1) , F. Peters , B. Petersen , A. Petrov , I. Petrov , S. Pfeiffer , J. Pflüger , S. Philipp , Y. Pienaud (1) , P. Pierini , S. Pivovarov , M. Planas , E. Pławski , M. Pohl , J. Polinski , V. Popov , S. Prat (1) , J. Prenting , G. Priebe , H. Pryschelski , K. Przygoda , E. Pyata , B. Racky , A. Rathjen , W. Ratuschni , S. Regnaud-Campderros (2) , K. Rehlich , D. Reschke , C. Robson , J. Roever , M. Roggli , J. Rothenburg , E. Rusiński , R. Rybaniec , H. Sahling , M. Salmani , L. Samoylova , D. Sanzone , F. Saretzki , O. Sawlanski , J. Schaffran , H. Schlarb , M. Schlösser , V. Schlott , C. Schmidt , F. Schmidt-Foehre , M. Schmitz , M. Schmökel , T. Schnautz , E. Schneidmiller , M. Scholz , B. Schöneburg , J. Schultze , C. Schulz , A. Schwarz , J. Sekutowicz , D. Sellmann , E. Semenov , S. Serkez , D. Sertore , N. Shehzad , P. Shemarykin , L. Shi , M. Sienkiewicz , D. Sikora , M. Sikorski , A. Silenzi , C. Simon (2) , W. Singer , X. Singer , H. Sinn , K. Sinram , N. Skvorodnev , P. Smirnow , T. Sommer , A. Sorokin , M. Stadler , M. Steckel , B. Steffen , N. Steinhau-Kühl , F. Stephan , M. Stodulski , M. Stolper , A. Sulimov , R. Susen , J. Świerblewski , C. Sydlo , E. Syresin , V. Sytchev , J. Szuba , N. Tesch , J. Thie , A. Thiebault (1) , K. Tiedtke , D. Tischhauser , J. Tolkiehn , S. Tomin , F. Tonisch , F. Toral , I. Torbin , A. Trapp , D. Treyer , G. Trowitzsch , T. Trublet (2) , T. Tschentscher , F. Ullrich , M. Vannoni , P. Varela , G. Varghese , G. Vashchenko , M. Vasic , C. Vazquez-Velez , A. Verguet (1) , S. Vilcins-Czvitkovits , R. Villanueva , B. Visentin (2) , M. Viti , E. Vogel , E. Volobuev , R. Wagner , N. Walker , T. Wamsat , H. Weddig , G. Weichert , H. Weise , R. Wenndorf , M. Werner , R. Wichmann , C. Wiebers , M. Wiencek , T. Wilksen , I. Will , L. Winkelmann , M. Winkowski , K. Wittenburg , A. Witzig , P. Wlk , T. Wohlenberg , M. Wojciechowski , F. Wolff-Fabris , G. Wrochna , K. Wrona , M. Yakopov , B. Yang , F. Yang , M. Yurkov , I. Zagorodnov , P. Zalden , A. Zavadtsev , D. Zavadtsev , A. Zhirnov , A. Zhukov , V. Ziemann , A. Zolotov , N. Zolotukhina , F. Zummack , D. Zybin
W. Decking
  • Fonction : Auteur
S. Abeghyan
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P. Abramian
  • Fonction : Auteur
A. Abramsky
  • Fonction : Auteur
A. Aguirre
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C. Albrecht
  • Fonction : Auteur
P. Alou
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M. Altarelli
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P. Altmann
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K. Amyan
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V. Anashin
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E. Apostolov
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K. Appel
V. Ayvazyan
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S. Baark
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F. Babies
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N. Baboi
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P. Bak
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V. Balandin
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R. Baldinger
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B. Baranasic
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S. Barbanotti
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O. Belikov
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V. Belokurov
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L. Belova
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V. Belyakov
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M. Bertucci
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B. Beutner
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E. Bondarchuk
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M. Bonezzi
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P. Borowiec
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C. Bösch
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U. Bösenberg
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A. Bosotti
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R. Böspflug
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M. Bousonville
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E. Boyd
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Y. Bozhko
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A. Brand
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J. Branlard
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S. Briechle
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F. Brinker
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S. Brinker
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R. Brinkmann
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S. Brockhauser
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O. Brovko
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H. Brück
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A. Brüdgam
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L. Butkowski
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T. Büttner
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J. Calero
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E. Castro-Carballo
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G. Cattalanotto
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J. Chen
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A. Cherepenko
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V. Cheskidov
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M. Chiodini
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A. Chong
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S. Choroba
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M. Chorowski
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D. Churanov
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W. Cichalewski
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M. Clausen
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W. Clement
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J.A. Cobos
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N. Coppola
S. Cunis
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K. Czuba
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M. Czwalinna
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J. Dammann
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H. Danared
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A. de Zubiaurre Wagner
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A. Delfs
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T. Delfs
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F. Dietrich
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T. Dietrich
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M. Dohlus
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M. Dommach
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A. Donat
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X. Dong
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N. Doynikov
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M. Dressel
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M. Duda
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P. Duda
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H. Eckoldt
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W. Ehsan
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J. Eidam
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F. Eints
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C. Engling
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U. Englisch
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A. Ermakov
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K. Escherich
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J. Eschke
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E. Saldin
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M. Faesing
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M. Felber
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M. Fenner
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B. Fernandes
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J.M. Fernández
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S. Feuker
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K. Filippakopoulos
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K. Floettmann
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V. Fogel
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A. Francés
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I. Freijo Martin
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W. Freund
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T. Freyermuth
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M. Friedland
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L. Fröhlich
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M. Fusetti
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J. Fydrych
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O. García
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L. Garcia-Tabares
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G. Geloni
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N. Gerasimova
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C. Gerth
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P. Gessler
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V. Gharibyan
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M. Gloor
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J. Głowinkowski
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A. Goessel
  • Fonction : Auteur
Z. Gołębiewski
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N. Golubeva
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W. Grabowski
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W. Graeff
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A. Grebentsov
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M. Grecki
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T. Grevsmuehl
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M. Gross
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U. Grosse-Wortmann
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J. Grünert
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S. Grunewald
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P. Grzegory
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G. Feng
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G. Gusev
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J.L. Gutierrez
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L. Hagge
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M. Hamberg
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R. Hanneken
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E. Harms
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I. Hartl
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A. Hauberg
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S. Hauf
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J. Hauschildt
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J. Hauser
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J. Havlicek
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A. Hedqvist
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N. Heidbrook
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F. Hellberg
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D. Henning
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O. Hensler
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T. Hermann
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A. Hidvégi
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M. Hierholzer
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H. Hintz
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F. Hoffmann
  • Fonction : Auteur
Markus Hoffmann
  • Fonction : Auteur
Matthias Hoffmann
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Y. Holler
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M. Hüning
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A. Ignatenko
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M. Ilchen
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A. Iluk
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J. Iversen
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M. Izquierdo
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L. Jachmann
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N. Jardon
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U. Jastrow
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K. Jensch
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J. Jensen
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M. Jeżabek
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M. Jidda
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H. Jin
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N. Johannson
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R. Jonas
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D. Kaefer
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R. Kammering
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H. Kapitza
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S. Karabekyan
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S. Karstensen
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K. Kasprzak
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V. Katalev
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D. Keese
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B. Keil
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M. Kholopov
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M. Killenberger
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B. Kitaev
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Y. Klimchenko
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R. Klos
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L. Knebel
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A. Koch
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M. Koepke
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S. Köhler
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W. Köhler
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N. Kohlstrunk
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Z. Konopkova
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A. Konstantinov
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W. Kook
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W. Koprek
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M. Körfer
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O. Korth
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A. Kosarev
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K. Kosiński
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D. Kostin
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Y. Kot
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A. Kotarba
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T. Kozak
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V. Kozak
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R. Kramert
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M. Krasilnikov
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A. Krasnov
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B. Krause
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L. Kravchuk
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O. Krebs
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R. Kretschmer
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J. Kreutzkamp
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O. Kröplin
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K. Krzysik
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G. Kube
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H. Kuehn
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N. Kujala
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V. Kulikov
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V. Kuzminych
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D. La Civita
  • Fonction : Auteur
T. Lamb
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A. Lancetov
  • Fonction : Auteur
M. Larsson
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S. Lederer
  • Fonction : Auteur
T. Lensch
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D. Lenz
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A. Leuschner
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F. Levenhagen
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Y. Li
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J. Liebing
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L. Lilje
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T. Limberg
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D. Lipka
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B. List
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J. Liu
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S. Liu
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B. Lorbeer
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J. Lorkiewicz
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H.H. Lu
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F. Ludwig
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K. Machau
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W. Maciocha
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C. Maiano
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I. Maksimova
  • Fonction : Auteur
K. Malcher
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T. Maltezopoulos
  • Fonction : Auteur
E. Mamoshkina
  • Fonction : Auteur
B. Manschwetus
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F. Marcellini
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G. Marinkovic
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T. Martinez
H. Martirosyan
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W. Maschmann
  • Fonction : Auteur
M. Maslov
  • Fonction : Auteur
A. Matheisen
  • Fonction : Auteur
U. Mavric
  • Fonction : Auteur
J. Meissner
  • Fonction : Auteur
K. Meissner
  • Fonction : Auteur
M. Messerschmidt
  • Fonction : Auteur
N. Meyners
  • Fonction : Auteur
G. Michalski
  • Fonction : Auteur
P. Michelato
  • Fonction : Auteur
N. Mildner
  • Fonction : Auteur
M. Moe
  • Fonction : Auteur
F. Moglia
  • Fonction : Auteur
C. Mohr
  • Fonction : Auteur
S. Mohr
  • Fonction : Auteur
W. Möller
  • Fonction : Auteur
M. Mommerz
  • Fonction : Auteur
L. Monaco
  • Fonction : Auteur
C. Montiel
  • Fonction : Auteur
M. Moretti
  • Fonction : Auteur
I. Morozov
  • Fonction : Auteur
P. Morozov
  • Fonction : Auteur
D. Mross
  • Fonction : Auteur
J. Mueller
  • Fonction : Auteur
C. Müller
J. Müller
  • Fonction : Auteur
K. Müller
  • Fonction : Auteur
J. Munilla
  • Fonction : Auteur
A. Münnich
  • Fonction : Auteur
V. Muratov
  • Fonction : Auteur
B. Näser
  • Fonction : Auteur
N. Nefedov
  • Fonction : Auteur
Reinhard Neumann
  • Fonction : Auteur
Rudolf Neumann
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The European XFEL is a hard X-ray free-electron laser (FEL) based on a high-electron-energy superconducting linear accelerator. The superconducting technology allows for the acceleration of many electron bunches within one radio-frequency pulse of the accelerating voltage and, in turn, for the generation of a large number of hard X-ray pulses. We report on the performance of the European XFEL accelerator with up to 5,000 electron bunches per second and demonstrating a full energy of 17.5 GeV. Feedback mechanisms enable stabilization of the electron beam delivery at the FEL undulator in space and time. The measured FEL gain curve at 9.3 keV is in good agreement with predictions for saturated FEL radiation. Hard X-ray lasing was achieved between 7 keV and 14 keV with pulse energies of up to 2.0 mJ. Using the high repetition rate, an FEL beam with 6 W average power was created.

Dates et versions

hal-02870834 , version 1 (16-06-2020)



W. Decking, S. Abeghyan, P. Abramian, A. Abramsky, A. Aguirre, et al.. A MHz-repetition-rate hard X-ray free-electron laser driven by a superconducting linear accelerator. Nature Photon., 2020, 14 (6), pp.391-397. ⟨10.1038/s41566-020-0607-z⟩. ⟨hal-02870834⟩
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