Feasts and sacrifices: 5th Millennium ‘pseudo-ditch’ causewayed enclosures from the southern Upper Rhine valley
This paper deals with a specific phenomenon of the Alsace region, namely pseudo-ditches consisting of numerous pits excavated in multiple episodes, thus emphasizing more the continuous processthan the function of enclosure. Recent rescue excavations of middle Neolithic enclosure systems in Alsace have identified various examples of this pseudo-ditch type of enclosure construction. The first-hand observation of pseudo-ditches in the field was achieved through the application of appropriate excavation techniques, such as excavating ditches in a chequerboard fashion to obtain a complete longitudinal profile. This contribution provides a brief overview of five of the enclosures excavated in Alsace between 2009 and 2013. It focuses on what the material evidence from the enclosure pseudo-ditches and accompanying features can tell us about the activities that took place at these monuments.