DNA Damage Kills Bacterial Spores and Cells Exposed to 222-Nanometer UV Radiation
This study examined the microbicidal activity of 222-nm UV radiation (UV222), which is potentially a safer alternative to the 254-nm UV radiation (UV254) that is often used for surface decontamination. Spores and/or growing and stationary-phase cells of Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus thuringiensis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Clostridioides difficile and a herpesvirus were all killed or inactivated by UV222 and at lower fluences than with UV254. B. subtilis spores and cells lacking the major DNA repair protein RecA were more sensitive to UV222, as were spores lacking their DNA-protective proteins, the α/β-type small, acid-soluble spore proteins. The spore cores’ large amount of Ca2+-dipicolinic acid (∼25% of the core dry weight) also protected B. subtilis and C. difficile spores against UV222, while spores’ proteinaceous coat may have given some slight protection against UV222. Survivors among B. subtilis spores treated with UV222 acquired a large number of mutations, and this radiation generated known mutagenic photoproducts in spore and cell DNA, primarily cyclobutane-type pyrimidine dimers in growing cells and an α-thyminyl-thymine adduct termed the spore photoproduct (SP) in spores. Notably, the loss of a key SP repair protein markedly decreased spore UV222 resistance. UV222-treated B. subtilis spores germinated relatively normally, and the generation of colonies from these germinated spores was not salt sensitive. The latter two findings suggest that UV222 does not kill spores by general protein damage, and thus, the new results are consistent with the notion that DNA damage is responsible for the killing of spores and cells by UV222.