From the excavation to the territory: contributions of GIS tools to the study of the spatial organization of the archaeological site of Argentomagus (France, Indre, Saint-Marcel/Argenton-sur-Creuse)
The site of Argentornogus is kocoted in the Midwed of France, where o totok of120orchoeokogicok sites have been identiJed didributed
on o swfoce of2&rna. Cver centwies, the terntory ofArgentornogm hod been the pkoce ofon oppidum, ofon ontiqw secondory wbon
oreo, ond then ofo rnedievok ond o modern vikkoge. A Geogrophicok Informotion q d e m (GIq wm med to hornogenise, to cornpike ond
to onokyse okk the sites identiJed since the 1960s.
This poper presents the rnethok med for the d d y ofthis ontiqw city within okk itr spotiok extemion ond okso within itr chronokogicok
thichess.Arnong others, this opprooch oirned ot deJning the pion ofthe Cektic mrnport more preciseky. Moreover, it okso concerns the
scoke ofthe whoke terntory ond the onokyses rekoted to the irnpkontotion ofsites on the rekieJ onokyses ofvisibikity, especiokky for the
comtrwtion ofbwkdngs, but okso onokyses ofddonces.