Braid groups of normalizers of reflection subgroups
Let $W_0$ be a reflection subgroup of a finite complex reflection group $W$, and let $B_0$ and $B$ be their respective braid groups. In order to construct a Hecke algebra $\widetilde{H}_0$ for the normalizer $N_W(W_0)$, one first considers a natural subquotient $\widetilde{B}_0$ of $B$ which is an extension of $N_W(W_0)/W_0$ by $B_0$. We prove that this extension is split when $W$ is a Coxeter group, and deduce a standard basis for the Hecke algebra $\widetilde{H}_0$. We also give classes of both split and non-split examples in the non-Coxeter case.