pH dependence of water anomaly temperature investigated by Eu(III) cryptate luminescence
Although water has been extensively studied, not all of its unique properties have been fully understood. There is still controversy about the temperature at which hydrogen bonds are broken or weakened, producing the anomalous temperature dependence of many water properties. Different temperatures between 23 and 48 °C have been reported, but no study has scrutinized the reasons for this discrepancy. We suggest the determining role of pH in the alteration of the water anomaly temperature. We employed a luminescent europium trisbipyridine cryptate, which is highly sensitive to changes in the arrangement of water molecules and whose luminescence intensity and lifetime are not significantly influenced by variations over a broad pH range. Our results revealed an increase of the crossover temperature from circa 35 °C at pH 3.5 to circa 45 °C at pH 7 to 9, which explains the discrepancies of previous studies. The pH dependence of water anomaly temperature is an important property for a better understanding of water and water-based systems and applications.