Throat destabilization (for profit and for fun)
Two recent results indicate that the addition of supersymmetry-breaking ingredients can destabilize the Klebanov-Strassler warped deformed conifold throat. The first comes from an analytic treatment of the interaction between anti-D3 branes and the complex-structure modulus corresponding to the deformation of the conifold [arXiv:1809.06861]. The second comes from the numeric construction of Klebanov-Strassler black holes [arXiv:1809.08484], which stop existing above a certain value of the non-extremality. We show that in both calculations the destabilization energies have the same parametric dependence on $g_s$ and the conifold flux, and only differ by a small numerical factor. This remarkable match confirms that anti-D3 brane uplift can only work in warped throats that have an O(1000) contribution to the D3 tadpole.