Preprints, Working Papers, ... Year : 2019

Forest Biodiversity, Soil Functions and Human Behavior - A case study: the October 29 2018 catastrophe in North-East Italian Alps

Nicolas Bernier
Oleg Chertov
  • Function : Author
  • PersonId : 989040
Mohammad Safwan
  • Function : Author
  • PersonId : 1057344


The forests of 473 Italian Alpine municipalities were severely damaged by a strong wind at the end of October 2018. The affected forest area covers 42,500 ha. The president of one of the damaged regions asked for help from the TESAF Department of the University of Padua, Italy. Twenty-six international scientists (listed: 25; anonymous: 1) responded to the appeal and collectively wrote this article. At first the value of ramial chipped wood was discussed, then whether the forest should be left or not to its natural evolution, then whether there is a threat of bark beetles, then the time needed for the biodegradation of fallen trees was estimated from the on-site examination of humus forms, ending with political and social considerations. After eight months of discussion, with various reworkings and cuts, a controversial text was born, complete and practical at the same time.
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hal-02342793 , version 1 (01-11-2019)
hal-02342793 , version 2 (06-11-2019)
hal-02342793 , version 3 (15-11-2019)
hal-02342793 , version 4 (16-12-2019)


Public Domain


  • HAL Id : hal-02342793 , version 4


Augusto Zanella, Jean-François Ponge, Anna Andreetta, Michaël Aubert, Nicolas Bernier, et al.. Forest Biodiversity, Soil Functions and Human Behavior - A case study: the October 29 2018 catastrophe in North-East Italian Alps. 2019. ⟨hal-02342793v4⟩
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