CIGALE, Capture of Interactional, Artistic, Cospeech and Expressive Gestures
CIGALE (Capture et Interaction avec des Gestes Artistiques, Langagiers et Expressifs) is an artistic and dialogical platform that explores the hybridization between human and virtual gestures in real time. This platform allows studying complementary aspects of gestures, from the linguistic field to the arts. CIGALE allows understanding the relationships between symbolic gestures (coverbal ones), expressive gestures (choral conducting and poetry) and full body gestures (mime). Starting from motion capture (1), we have created four databases of gestures. The platform allows to study and analyses gestures, strokes and meaning (2). We propose then to generate new gestures using genetic algorithm that converges to new gestures inspired by the ones of the database (3). In order to visualize the gestures, we can render the motion on different characters by changing body aspect
(mesh), using particles effect or trails (4). At least, it’s possible to interact using gestures with the virtual characters that can answer autonomously to the user or to the audience (5).