Conference Papers Year : 2022

Pairing GIS and Distributed Hydrological Models Using MATLAB


Observed data are required to carry out hydrological simulations 8 in a watershed for use by policy makers. Hydrological simulations thus require 9 a large interdisciplinary knowledge about modeling, computer sciences, data-10 bases, GIS. A Matlab preprocess prior to the hydrological modeling is presented 11 for educational purposes and an easy uptake by non-GIS users. Moreover, this 12 allows for parallel computing. This pre-process builds on two renowned and 13 freely available Matlab toolboxes providing GIS and mesh functionalities. Ad-14 ditional functionalities allow for a decomposition of watersheds with respect to 15 parameterized constraints, including the meshing of the subdomains and the 16 construction of an oriented flow graph. The method is exemplified on a sub-17 basin of the Saar River. 18
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Sleimane Hariri, Sylvain Weill, Jens Gustedt, Isabelle Charpentier. Pairing GIS and Distributed Hydrological Models Using MATLAB. 2nd Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosiences (CAJG 2019), Nov 2019, Sousse, Tunisia. pp.257-259, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-72543-3_103⟩. ⟨hal-02333260⟩
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