Domain Adaptation for Large Scale Classification of Very High Resolution Satellite Images with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Semantic segmentation of remote sensing images enables in particular land-cover map generation for a given set of classes. Very recent literature has shown the superior performance of deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN) for many tasks, from object recognition to semantic labelling, including the classification of Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite images. However, while plethora of works aim at improving object delineation on geographically restricted areas, few tend to solve this classification task at very large scales. New issues occur such as intra-class class variability, diachrony between surveys, and the appearance of new classes in a specific area, that do not exist in the predefined set of labels. Therefore, this work intends to (i) perform large scale classification and to (ii) expand a set of land-cover classes, using the off-the-shelf model learnt in a specific area of interest and adapting it to unseen areas.