Rapport (Rapport De Recherche) Année : 2019

The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service global and regional emissions (April 2019 version)


In order to drive atmospheric models performing forecasts and analyses of air quality and atmospheric composition, an accurate quantification of surface emissions from anthropogenic and natural sources is required. As part of the European Copernicus Atmosphere Service (CAMS), diverse emission datasets have been developed. Global and regional European anthropogenic emissions for several sectors for a large number of atmospheric compounds have been developed. In addition, detailed emissions from ships based on ship identification systems have been developed. Different datasets providing natural emissions are being processed, such as the emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds from vegetation, nitrogen compounds emissions from soils, emissions from the oceans and emissions from volcanoes. Methodologies for evaluating the emissions and their consistency at different scales are being generated. Temporal profiles at different scales are also being developed. All the emissions developed in CAMS are available from the ECCAD (Emissions of atmospheric Compounds and Compilation of Ancillary Data (eccad.aeris-data.fr) database.
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Dates et versions

hal-02322431 , version 1 (21-10-2019)
hal-02322431 , version 2 (11-11-2020)



Claire Granier, Sabine Darras, Hugo Denier van Der Gon, Doubalova Jana, Nellie Elguindi, et al.. The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service global and regional emissions (April 2019 version). [Research Report] Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service. 2019. ⟨hal-02322431v2⟩
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