Journal Articles Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Year : 2016

Enhancement of a dynamic porous model considering compression-release hysteresis behavior: Application to graphite


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Because of their shock wave attenuation properties, porous materials and foams are increasingly used for various applications such as graphite in the aerospace industry and polyurethane (PU) foams in biomedical engineering. For these two materials, the absence of residual compaction after compression and release cycles limits the efficiency of the usual numerical dynamic porous models such as P-α and POREQST. In this paper, we suggest a simple enhancement of the latter in order to take into account the compression-release hysteresis behavior experimentally observed for the considered materials. The new model, named H-POREQST, was implemented into a Lagrangian hydrocode and tested for simulating plate impact experiments at moderate pressure onto a commercial grade of porous graphite (EDM3). It proved to be in far better agreement with experimental data than the original model which encourages us to pursue numerical tests and developments.
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hal-02292093 , version 1 (20-09-2019)



Benjamin Jodar, Gabriel Seisson, David Hébert, Isabelle Bertron, Michel Boustié, et al.. Enhancement of a dynamic porous model considering compression-release hysteresis behavior: Application to graphite. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2016, 49 (32), pp.Article number 325301. ⟨10.1088/0022-3727/49/32/325301⟩. ⟨hal-02292093⟩
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