Electromechanical properties of single domain PZN-12%PT measured by three different methods
In this paper, we compare the electromechanical properties of tetragonal single domain PZN-12%PT single crystals obtained by different methods resonance-antiresonance method, Brillouin scattering, and resonant ultrasound spectroscopy. The agreement between the different measurements is found satisfactory for many elastic constants within experimental uncertainties. Differences are notable for the elastic constants associated to the propagation of shear waves (c 66 E and c 44 E ). This can be accounted for by imperfections of the sample in acoustic spectroscopy and specific difficulties of shear resonators used for the resonance method. Strong discrepancies are noted for the hardened elastic constant c 33 D associated to longitudinal waves propagating along the polarization direction; we suggest this can arise from a frequency dependence of the dielectric constant. © 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.