Conference Papers Year : 2014

Anthracology as means for assessing human-environment relation at the extreme environments during the Holocene: the case of the hunters-gatherers at central western Patagonia


Anthracology as means for assessing human-environment relation at the extreme environments during the Holocene: the case of the hunters-gatherers at central western Patagonia
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hal-02183358 , version 1 (15-07-2019)


  • HAL Id : hal-02183358 , version 1


Isabella Riquelme-Toro, César Méndez, Isabelle Théry-Parisot. Anthracology as means for assessing human-environment relation at the extreme environments during the Holocene: the case of the hunters-gatherers at central western Patagonia. XVII World UISPP Congress, 2014, Burgos (Spain), Spain. ⟨hal-02183358⟩
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