Space-time adaptative processing analysis for the moving target on the sea surface indication purpose
Space-time adaptive processing (STAP) can improve target detectability in a presence of a ground clutter for airborne radar. Ground clutter echo has a wide spectrum as a result of the radar platform (airplane or satellite) motion. To reject clutter echo and preserve target echo, STAP employs antenna array. Simultaneous filtering in both spatial (angle) and frequency domain can improve performance. In this paper we propose a new application of STAP. Assuming an antenna array standing on a sea shore, the objective is to detect targets on the sea surface. Unfortunately sea clutter has different statistical properties compared to airborne clutter. As a consequence, basic STAP algorithm is not optimal in any sense. Future research will face the problem of evaluating performance of STAP applied to sea clutter. We hope to develop a new algorithm that can perform better in the presence of sea clutter.