Fast Single- and Cross-Show Speaker Diarization Using Binary Key Speaker Modeling
Speaker diarization has become a key process within other speech processing systems which take advantage of single-speaker speech signals. Furthermore, finding recurrent speakers among a set of audio recordings, known as cross-show diarization, is gaining attention in the last years. Current state-of-the-art-systems provide good performance, but usually at the cost of long processing times. This limitation may make current systems not suitable for real-life applications. In this line, the speaker diarization approach based on binary key modeling provides a very fast yet accurate alternative. In this paper, we present the last improvements applied in binary key speaker diarization with the aim of further speeding up the process and improving performance. In addition, we propose a novel method for cross-show speaker di-arization based on binary keys. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed improvements for single-show speaker diarization, both in terms of speed and performance, obtaining a real-time factor of 0.0354xRT and a 16.8% relative improvement in performance. Furthermore, our proposed cross-show approach provides very competitive performance, just slightly worse than its single-show diarization counterpart, and exhibits a real time factor of 0.04xRT. Index Terms-Binary key speaker modeling, cross-show speaker diarization, speaker diarization, within-class sum of squares.