Bond Graphs and Inverse Modeling for Mechatronic System Design
This chapter is concerned with the design of mechatronic systems on dynamic and energy criteria. Compared to the traditional trial-error-correction
approach a methodology is presented that drastically decreases the number of simulation iterations and ensures more relevant solutions with respect to the specifications. Moreover, early in the design stages, this methodology enables to check if the design problem is well posed before any simulation. This verification is possible according to the structural analysis concept that points out the characteristic properties of the design models independently of the parameter numerical values. Also, the methodology is based on model inversion that uses straightforwardly the information written in the specifications. Finally, because of its ability to represent multidisciplinary physical systems, to acausally describe a model and to easily undertake a structural analysis, and to visualize the results of this analysis, the bond graph language is well dedicated to this methodology. In this chapter topics like design model validity, specifications validity, structural analysis, technological component specifications, selection and validation, and open-loop control determination will be discussed.