Bronze Age hoards in France : modes of immobilisation and burial
The many Bronze Age land hoards found in France vary greatly within time and in space. Differences in topography and climate, as well as the diverse landscapes within a vast area would have had an important impact on ancient ritual practices and it is therefore difficult to define these practices over such a long period. How-ever, this constitutes a favourable situation for the study of non-funerary deposits in this area occupied by people with different cultural affinities.It is possible to identify the schemas that define the hoards’ makeup and to de-tail the modalities of the treatment and/or burial of objects that can be unique to different chrono-cultural entities using the significant corpus of Bronze Age land hoards. In this presentation, we do not aim to be all-encompassing, but aim to de-fine the rules that seem to govern this practice during the different chronological periods and within specific geographical areas. We are particularly interested in using the study of larger corpora to determine periods during which this practice increases, as the larger corpora make it possible to identify regular actions. Par-ticular attention will be given to specific land hoards, such as Early Bronze Age axe ingots (2200-1650 BC), palstave hoards and/or annular adornments from the At-lantic Middle Bronze Age 2 (1500-1350 BC) or even hoards from the Carps tongue horizon corresponding to the Atlantic Late Bronze Age 3 (950-800 BC). The codified actions used by women and men to constitute land hoards during the Bronze Age, the existence of widely accepted rules as well as the occurrence of specific manipulations form the basis of a discussion on the function and the interpretation of these hoards, that without a doubt vary from one cultural area to another throughout time.