Cosmology in Mimetic SU(2) Gauge Theory
It is well known that the standard scalar field mimetic cosmology provides a dark matter-like energy density component. Considering SU(2) gauge symmetry, we study the gauge field extension of the mimetic scenario in spatially flat and curved FLRW spacetimes. Because of the mimetic constraint, the standard Yang-Mills term plays the role of the cosmological constant while the mimetic term provides two different contributions: one is the standard radiation scaling like a−4 while the other contribution in energy density scales as a−2. Consequently, in the Friedmann equation we have two different energy densities which scale as a−2: one is the mimetic spatial curvature-like and the other is the standard spatial curvature which can compete with each other. The degeneracy between these two contributions are disentangled in this scenario since the mimetic spatial curvature-like term shows up only at the dynamical level while the standard spatial curvature term shows up at both dynamical and kinematical levels.