Design and Implementation of a Protection System for NMR Spectrometers
We have implemented a scheme, SPECMON, for monitoring various parameters of a spectrometer, such as nitrogen pressure and sample temperature, and taking corrective action. The scheme is based on considerations of protection management which are of general application. Evaluation of the spectrometer state is incorporated in macros of the application software (VNMR) and is therefore very flexible. In contrast, corrective action is limited to the single one which is deemed fully safe: complete shutdown of the spectrometer and logging. Shutdown is implemented by a minor hardware modification of the spectrometer: the introduction of a second input to a relay already present for protection of the spectrometer power supply. Monitoring is handled by the host computer, and the shutdown command is transmitted via control lines of its series port, independent of the standard connection between the host computer and the NMR system console. The monitoring system (software and hardware) is unobtrusive in normal conditions, and it can be tested without affecting the operation of the spectrometer.