Conference Papers Year : 2013

Natural ressources managment by the first agropastoralists in Southern France: a foccus on the Neolithic in the middle Rhone valley


Natural ressources managment by the first agropastoralists in Southern France: a foccus on the Neolithic in the middle Rhone valley
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hal-02046366 , version 1 (22-02-2019)


  • HAL Id : hal-02046366 , version 1


Claire Delhon, Stephanie Thiebault. Natural ressources managment by the first agropastoralists in Southern France: a foccus on the Neolithic in the middle Rhone valley. Interplay between hominids and environment over time. France-Japan academic forum, 2013, Paris, France. ⟨hal-02046366⟩
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