Experimental Verification of Ecological Interface Prototype Issued by an Automated Generation Tool
Vicente and Rasmussen have developed a method called Ecological Interface Design (EID) in the field of cognitive engineering[1]. In this context, we proposed a software tool named Anaxagore, that can assist the EID processfor a rapid implementation of user interface prototypes. In a first stage, models based on standardized structure-functional diagramare computed[2]. In a second stage, these diagrams as inputs are transformed through a model-driven engineering process, involving a library of ecological graphical representations and an interface background. Then, an ecological interface prototypecan be generated. Previously, Anaxagore was used to generate conventional synoptic representation[3]. To validate its EID extended version, an experimental protocol has been established. The experiment was conducted at the National Maritime College, with 14 naval officers randomly divided into two groups according to the used interface. After a preliminary training of participants to the use of the interfaces, four scenarios were simulated during the experiment. For each scenario, the performance was evaluated by a success score and by measuring the time to detect and understand failure. With the EID interface generated by Anaxagore, faster detection time and betterdiagnosis accuracy were observed. Anaxagore seems to constitute a response forassisting the rapid prototyping of ecological interface.