MANETs interoperability: current trends and open research
Wireless networks have gained wide attention inrecent years including studies on Mobile Ad-hoc Networks(MANET). Among the rich literature produced by the re-searchers, the problematic of MANET interoperability is be-coming of high interest. Interoperability in a MANET refers tothe communication between two separate domains or networks.This is an important research area aiming at enhancing theoverall communication between MANETs. There are multipleproposals in the literature that study MANET interoperability.Their variability shows an energetic work and interesting pro-posals, in theory and in practice. The objective of this paperis to survey the main MANET works in the literature throughdifferent identified key aspects. We presented a comprehensiveanalysis of multiple proposals, techniques, features, opportunities,limitations and omissions. Based on that, we aim at guiding theresearchers, practitioners and industrials who work on MANETsthat interoperate