On the weak gravity conjecture in string theory with broken supersymmetry
We use type I string models with supersymmetry broken by compactification (\`a la Scherk-Schwarz) in order to test the weak gravity conjecture in the presence of runaway potentials in a perturbative string theory setting. For a finite value of the supersymmetry breaking radius there is a runaway potential, which is the only possibility if one accepts the non-existence of de Sitter vacua. Although the weak gravity conjecture is valid in the decompactification limit, for fixed values of the radius we show that there are short-ranged attractive D1 brane-brane interactions. We argue however that at one-loop level the effective tension of the branes decreases and becomes smaller than the effective charge such that there is a long-ranged repulsive force and the weak gravity conjecture is respected. Moreover, for very small $g_s$ we expect a large number of stable bound states to be present.