A Reliability Model for Cross-docking Location Problem Considering Disruption Risk in Cross-docks
Nowadays many industries are affected by consequences of disruptions caused by natural disasters, terrorist attacks or man-made events. In order to control and manage such consequences, this study attempts to design a reliable cross-docking system in which disruptions and failures are taken into account. It has been considered that all cross-docking centers have the same probability of failure leading to define levels of assignment for suppliers and assembly plants as a recovery policy in which suppliers are reallocated to alternative cross-docks or direct shipment strategy. A linear programming formulation is presented for the problem and tested on some problem instances with different values of disruption probabilities and levels of assignment using GAMS/CPLEX. Since the formulation is a linear programming model, GAMS/CPLEX is able to find exact solutions in a reasonable time. The results are reported in terms of objective function value, the number of established cross-docks and computational time.