MICROSCOPE limits on the strength of a new force, with comparisons to gravity and electromagnetism
Extremely weak new forces could lead to apparent violations of the equivalence principle. The MICROSCOPE experiment implies that the relative strength of a new long-range force, compared with gravity, is constrained to |α¯g|<3.2×10-11, 2.3×10-13, 2.2×10-13, 6.7×10-13, and 1.5×10-12 at 2σ, for a coupling to B, L, B-L, B+L, or 3B+L; or, for a coupling to isospin, |αg|<8.4×10-12. This is a gain in sensitivity ≃3 for a coupling to B, to ≈15 in the other cases, including B-L as suggested by grand unification. This requires paying attention to the definition of α¯g. A force coupled to L (or B-L) would act effectively on protons (or neutrons) only, its relative intensity being reduced from αg to about α¯g=αg/4 for an average nucleon. A force coupled to B+L=2Z+N would act twice as much on p as on n, getting enhanced from αg for neutrons to about α¯g=94αg for an average nucleon. It is thus convenient to view such forces as acting on Q¯=B, 2L, 2(B-L), 2(B+L)/3, or 2(3B+L)/7 (normalized to 2 for p+e+n), leading to α¯g=αg×(1,1/4,1/4,9/4,or 49/4). The sensitivity for a coupling to L or B-L is better than for B by 2 orders of magnitude [as Δ(2L/Ar)≃144 Δ(B/Ar) for Ti-Pt], and about 3 or 7 times better than for B+L or 3B+L. A coupling to (εBB+εQelQel)e should verify |εB|<5×10-24; similarly |εL| or |εB-L|<0.9×10-24, |εB+L|<0.5×10-24, |ε3B+L|<0.32×10-24, and |εB-2L|<2.6×10-24, implying a new interaction weaker than electromagnetism by more than 1046 to 1048. The resulting hierarchy between couplings, typically by ≳ 1024, may be related within supersymmetry with a large hierarchy in energy scales by ≳ 1012. This points to a ξ≈1016 GeV scale, associated with a huge vacuum energy density that may be responsible for the inflation of the early universe.