En guerre pour la paix. Correspondance Paul d'Estournelles de Constant et Nicholas Murray-Butler 1914-1919
From the summer of 1914 to the conclusion of the Treaty of Versailles (1919), a Frenchman and an American regularly wrote one another, maintaining a gripping chronicle of the war's daily life and the world's transformation. Two men of great influence in their respective spheres, both were recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize. Their common goal? To combat the militarism, nationalism, and violence imposed on civilians during the war. Furthermore, to lay out a vision of a democratic Europe, a plan to avert the brutalization of society. " Americans, you are the ones who condemned and executed, over a century ago, the imperialism of Great Britain. Europe, then, condemned and executed the imperialism of Napoleon; and now she is going to condemn and execute the imperialism of Germany. Take advantage of this triple experience to put imperialism to death, in your country, and do Europe the immeasurable service of offering your good example. "
De l'été 1914 à la conclusion du traité de Versailles (1919) un Français et un Américain s'écrivent régulièrement, tenant une chronique saisissante de la guerre au quotidien et de la mutation du monde. Ce sont deux hommes d'influence qui, tous deux, reçurent le prix Nobel de la Paix. Leur but ? Lutter contre le militarisme, le nationalisme et la violence faite aux populations civiles. Proposer aussi un projet visionnaire d'Europe démocratique, afin de conjurer la brutalisation de la société. Sélection de lettres annotées et mises en contexte. Index nominatum