Characterizing the Spoilage of Egg Products using Targeted and Non-targeted Approaches
An egg product is a complex matrix, mainly composed of water, proteins and lipids. It also contains carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and many other compounds in varying concentrations. This chemical complexity makes it difficult to analyze, and most of the protocols are mainly concerned with the albumen and vitellus fractions, aside from the whole egg product. The hygienic quality and freshness of eggs can be assessed according to physico-chemical or microbiological criteria, imposed by the regulations in force. The state provides procedures and recommendations for the production and marketing of such products. Criteria and procedures vary from region to region, for example European legislation forbids the breaking of eggs by centrifugation for eggs intended for the food industry whereas American legislation allows the possibility of breaking eggs by centrifugation if they are clean, disinfected and intact and if they ultimately undergo heat treatment (baking etc.). In addition to the procedures and recommendations concerning the production process, the hygienic quality of egg products is ensured by controlling the physico-chemical and microbiological quality of the raw materials used and the finished products. European legislation thus provides maximum levels for certain compounds such as lactic acid or succinic acid at different points in the production chain.