Signature of gluon saturation in forward di-hadron correlations at the Large Hadron Collider
We argue that gluon saturation effects may be visible in Large Hadron Collider (LHC) data. We look at the centrality dependence of the away-side peak of two-particle correlations measured in p-Pb collisions, using both ALICE data at midrapidity, and LHCb data at forward rapidity. Once the collective flow-like signal measured at the near-side peak is removed from the correlation function, the centrality dependence of the away-side peak turns out to be much stronger in the forward region than at midrapidity. We argue that this is a very specific prediction of the saturation framework, and we compare LHCb data to a state-of-the-art calculation within the Color Glass Condensate theory.
Mots clés
high-energy QCD
gluon saturation
Color Glass Condensate
dihadron correlations
gluon: saturation
correlation: measured
correlation: two-particle
dihadron: correlation
p nucleus: scattering
color glass condensate
correlation function
rapidity dependence
forward production