Journal Articles Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Year : 2019

Two-dimensional macroscopic model for large scale traffic networks


In this article we introduce a new traffic flow model for a dense urban area. We consider a two-dimensional conservation law in which the velocity magnitude is given by the fundamental diagram and the velocity direction is constructed following the network geometry. We validate the model using synthetic data from Aimsun and propose a reconstruction technique to recover the 2D density from the data of individual vehicles. A comparison between the model and the data is shown.
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hal-01819013 , version 1 (19-06-2018)



Stéphane Mollier, Maria Laura Delle Monache, Carlos Canudas de Wit, Benjamin Seibold. Two-dimensional macroscopic model for large scale traffic networks. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2019, 122 (April), pp.309-326. ⟨10.1016/j.trb.2019.02.016⟩. ⟨hal-01819013⟩
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