Conference Papers Year : 2017

A Generalization of Blahut-Arimoto Algorithm to Compute Rate-Distortion Regions of Multiterminal Source Coding Under Logarithmic Loss


In this paper, we present iterative algorithms that numerically compute the rate-distortion regions of two problems: the two-encoder multiterminal source coding problem and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) problem, both under logarithmic loss distortion measure.With the clear connection of these models with the distributed information bottleneck method, the proposed algorithms may find usefulness in a variety of applications, such as clustering, pattern recognition and learning. We illustrate the efficiency of our algorithms through some numerical examples.

Dates and versions

hal-01806549 , version 1 (03-06-2018)



Yigit Ugur, Inaki Estella Aguerri, Abdellatif Zaidi. A Generalization of Blahut-Arimoto Algorithm to Compute Rate-Distortion Regions of Multiterminal Source Coding Under Logarithmic Loss. IEEE Information Theory Workshop, ITW, Nov 2017, Kaohshiung, Taiwan. ⟨hal-01806549⟩
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